Wwoofing in our Apiary

Our Guesthouse for Wwoofers and travelling Beekeepers
Four caravans and two very basic guest rooms are available free of charge in summer to our visitors. Simply phone up and drop in! Access is easy by train from Berlin to Alt Rosenthal station. We're associated to Wwoof Deutschland and often have both local and foreign guests.

In the surrounding area we there are many lakes and a picturesque landscape with lots of farms where you can have a great holiday. In addition we have bikes available for our guests. The scenic areas of the Oderbruch and Märkische Schweiz are also easily reached by bike from here.


Wwoofing in our Apiary


To those who want to Wwoof with us, we can offer the opportunity of participating with our teams in all aspects of beekeeping.
Every year from the end of March until the end of August we're fully occupied with the beekeeping season. The work leads us from the Rapeseed fields to the Acacia forests as well as to the famous Linden trees of Berlin.
For many, beekeeping work is a chance to become familiar with such aspects as queen breeding and rearing, wax production, honey harvesting, extraction, and other processes. Every year we receive between 5 and 10 Wwoofers and because of the increasing interest in this, we advise you to plan ahead. By doing this you can make the best of your time here and also better integrate into our team work.

The most useful time to learn beekeping skills is between 15th April and 15th May. At this time you'll participate in the Spring management of hives during the Rapeseed honey crop and it's harvesting and extraction. Following this, is the Acacia crop, and in June,  the Linden crop. From 15th May until 15th June the hives are in full swarm season which necessitates an intensive and interesting period of continual swarm control, the production of new hives, and honey harvesting. A busy time for all!

We are aware of the requirements of Wwoofers, and try to integrate these into our daily work priorities of planning, organisation,and bee work. 


For more information, please contact helper@imkereibetriebe.de

Imkerei in Worin

Gewerbehof 1

(Nähe: Alt Rosenthaler Weg 3b)

15306 Vierlinden Worin

Tel: 0171-9150552

(Ansgar Westerhoff)



Ansgar Westerhoff
Dürrstr. 5
37083 Göttingen

Tel: 01719150552